In this episode, I walk you through some of the tips, tricks and challenges I have when it comes to working remotely. Doing digital workshops, managing client expectations, research international brands and a lot more.
We talk about:
Workshop: picking up on non-verbal communication is a lot harder
A lot harder mentally to do → Split it up
Trust by being there physically is not there
Client perception: less 'valuable' in a way
Understanding local culture can be hard
Notion - Project management & strategic follow up
Holabrief - Collaborative strategy exercises
Mural - Miro - workshops
Zoom - Hangout → Iriun webcam - proper setting - lights - Elgato cam link
Other tools: Slack - Whatsapp (watch out)
Video ask - Typeform - Surveymonkey
Do it with everyone in the world, open up your market
More Interactive, collaborative approach
Have more one-to-one conversations
Keep workshops fun and light
Use digital technology → make it alive - place images - gifs - use canvasses
Research: Make sure you understand product & experience, cultural differences
Use google trends & other tools to analyze local differences
Check-in from time to time, stay connected, feel like a team
Presentation: these things are important always, but even more so when doing them remotely:
Pre presentation preparation, make sure you have built up to the presentation, with workshops, with sessions, check-ins, with interviews, ... The presentation is a celebration of the work done before
Always set the goal of the presentation at the beginning, make sure expectations are aligned. It's even harder online to catch little nuances so be crystal clear about what you are going to present
Pauze - even more - do around -, ask everyone what they think, breathe, let room for discussion but keep the presentation going
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