Let's talk branding
Let's talk branding
LTB 001 Branding and webdesign with Gil Huybrecht

LTB 001 Branding and webdesign with Gil Huybrecht

In this episode I talk with GIl Huybrecht, he's an amazing web/identity designer.  We talk about how to use typography to create website that are 'on brand'. We talk about managing expectations and negative feedback from your client. Gil also explains how he grew his dribbble audience to over 8000 followers.

Let's talk branding
Let's talk branding
Discover the secrets of brand-building from world-renowned experts, and academics in marketing, branding & design together with your host Stef Hamerlinck. Let's talk branding is a no bs exploration of all things brand, known to cut through to the clutter and share unique perspectives.