We talk about:
Jonathan’s beef with hourly rates.
Clients don’t want your time, they want your results.
Time is the wrong thing to focus on. What should you focus on instead?
Transitioning your business away from the hourly model and to the value pricing model.
The big transition: switching your mindset in the sales interview.
You want some urgency from prospects. Why do they want it now?
You need to ask them: “why me? Why not someone cheaper?”
Be confident that what you deliver is the best out there, and simply be confident as a business person.
Come to them as a peer and know you have control in the conversation.
You need to be prepared to walk away from any client.
How you can position yourself to make things easier.
Always ask for testimonials from happy clients."
What is the leading indicator that you think will lead to sales?
Learn the difference between the strategy and the deliverables.
Break down every possible assumption in advance.
How to deal with cashflow problems.
Important Quotes:
“It destroys wealth and value creation.”
“What is their real objective?”
“My whole life was hours.”
“They’re expecting to get something back.”
“That’s just basic hygiene.”
“Share that out to the world.”
“They don’t want to know how hard your job is.”
“This is definitely a million dollar thing for you.”
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